Tuesday, March 30, 2010

UNI Officials Investigating Pride Week Chalk Controversy

CEDAR FALLS (KWWL) -- Members of UNI Proud wanted to inform students about upcoming Pride Week events the same way many other groups on campus do: by writing messages on the sidewalk in chalk.  They were shocked when they stepped on the University of Northern Iowa campus Monday morning, and saw their informational, and colorful, notes had been erased. So they replaced them with a new message.

To read the full story click HERE

Iowa Pride Network offers resources and support to any LGBTQA student or student organization that needs it. For more information about how you can start an LGBT group on your campus or how you may obtain resources to support your group, please visit us HERE or contact IPN's Outreach Coordinator at  515-471-8063 -- Rachel@iowapridenetwork.org

If you are looking to network with other college LGBTQA students and their organizations, you should attend our 7th Annual GSA Conference for high school and college youth.  For more information and to register for the event please visit us HERE

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